I teach introductory and upper level classes on the sociology of health and illness, race, science and technology studies, and sociological methods. Please contact me if you would like to see syllabi or reading lists. Here is a selection of some of the classes I have taught:
Race, Medicine, and Technology (Yale University, undergraduate/graduate seminar)
This course examines the role of medicine and related technologies, old and new, in defining racial classification schemes and perpetuating racism in the U.S. and elsewhere. Introducing different approaches to the sociological study of technology, the course uses medical technologies as an entry point to exploring broader social and cultural structures and processes.
Health and Illness in Social Context (Yale University, undergraduate lecture)
This course examines inequalities in health and illness in the U.S., with some coverage of international trends and topics. It analyzes how individual health and public health are shaped by social structures, political struggles, expert knowledge, and medical markets. Topics include the cultural and social meanings associated with health and illness; inequalities in health and health care access and provision; controversies surrounding healthcare, medical knowledge production, and medical decision-making; and the social institutions of the health care industry.
Methods of Inquiry (Yale University, undergraduate seminar)
This course offers a general introduction to designing and conducting sociological research. It is a requirement for the sociology major, and no background in social research is assumed. Methods covered include interviewing, ethnography, comparative-historical analysis, multivariate statistical approaches, and experiments.
Senior Essay Colloquium (Yale University, undergraduate seminar)
Sociology of Beauty (Northwestern University, undergraduate seminar)
Sociology of Infectious Disease (Northwestern University, medical student seminar)