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Menon, Alka V. 2023. Refashioning Race: How Global Cosmetic Surgery Crafts New Beauty Standards. University of California Press.
- Winner of the 2024 Book Award, Sociology of Body and Embodiment Section, American Sociological Association
- Finalist for the 2024 Ludwik Fleck Prize, Society for the Social Studies of Science
Khubchandani, Jasmine A., Sakinah C. Suttiratana, Rosetta Washington, Dawn White-Bracey, Madhav KC, Andrea Silber, Oluwadamilola M Fayanju, Paris D. Butler, Alka Menon, Rachel A. Greenup. “Living Flat: Stories from Women of Color After Mastectomy.” 2024. Annals of Surgical Oncology.
-Accompanying invited commentary: “ASO Author Reflections: A Community Partnered Approach to Studying Living Flat after Mastectomy.” Annals of Surgical Oncology.
Menon, Alka V., Zahra Abba Omar*, Nadia Nahar*, Lynn E. Fiellin, Xenophon Papademetris, and Christian Kästner. “Lessons from clinical communications for AI systems.” Proceedings of the Seventh AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES-24), Volume 7, pp. 958-970.
Nahar, Nadia*, Jenny Rowlett*, Matthew Bray*, Zahra Abba Omar*, Xenophon Papademetris, Alka Menon, and Christian Kästner. 2024. “Regulating Explainability in Machine Learning Applications: Observations from a Policy Design Experiment.” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT).
Menon, Alka V. and Carlo Sariego.* 2022. “Engendering connection: The embodied emotional labor of U.S. cosmetic surgeons.” Social Science & Medicine 306: 115092.
Nelson, C.A., L.M. Pérez-Chada, A. Creadore, S.J. Li, K. Lo, P. Manjaly, A. Pournamdari, E. Tkachenko, J.S. Barbieri, J.M. Ko, A.V. Menon, R.I. Hartman, A. Mostaghimi. 2020. “Patient perspectives on the use of artificial intelligence for skin cancer screening.” JAMA Dermatology. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2019.5014
Menon, Alka V. 2019. “Cultural gatekeeping in cosmetic surgery: Transnational beauty ideals in multicultural Malaysia.” Poetics 75: 1-11.
- Winner of 2021 American Sociological Association Section on the Body and Embodiment Best Publication Prize
Menon, Alka V. 2017. “Do online reviews diminish physician authority? The case of cosmetic surgery in the U.S.” Social Science & Medicine 181: 1-8.
Menon, Alka V. 2017. “Reconstructing Race in American Cosmetic Surgery.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 40(4): 597-616. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2016.1206590.
- Winner of 2017 American Sociological Association Section on the Body and Embodiment Graduate Student Paper Award
- Winner of 2016 Robert F. Winch Award for Best Published Paper in the Sociology Department, Northwestern University
Linster, C., Menon, A.V., Singh, C.Y., & Wilson, D.A. 2009. “Odor-specific habituation arises from interaction of afferent synaptic adaptation and intrinsic synaptic potentiation in olfactory cortex.” Learning & Memory 16(7): 452-59.
* denotes student co-author
2021 Menon, Alka V. Beauty Diplomacy: Embodying an Emerging Nation, by Oluwakemi M Balogun. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 50(5):394-395. DOI: 10.1177/00943061211036051a
2020 Menon, Alka V. Mobilizing Mutations: Human Genetics in the Age of Patient Advocacy, by Daniel Navon. University of Chicago Press. American Journal of Sociology 126(3): 741-743.
2016 Menon, Alka V. Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-first Century, by Dorothy Roberts. Spontaneous Generations 8(1): 109-111.
Public commentary
2021 Amir, Sulfikar and Alka Menon. “Kerentanan Pandemi dan Paradoks Resiliensi.” Media Indonesia Kolom Pakar 27 September, p.6. (in Bahasa Indonesia. Title in English: “Pandemic vulnerability and the paradox of resilience”)
2021 Menon, Alka V. “Global disease surveillance systems and cooperation in COVID-19: Lessons not learned,” in Corona: Weltgesellchaft im Ausnahmezustand?, edited by Markus Heidingsfelder and Maren Lehmann. Germany: Velbrück Wissenschaft, pp.117-126.
2020 Lanzarotta, Tess and Alka V. Menon. “Public Health Needs the Mail.” Slate, North Carolina Inquirer.
If you do not have access to any of these articles, email me for an electronic copy.